
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s my fourth day here in GA and it feels like I’ve been here for like a month, not gonna lie haha. But I love it so much! I was a little nervous about meeting my squad in person but it felt like we were friends already! 

I get to take legit bucket showers until they finish the real showers and its honestly been really nice! It hits different haha.

The Lord has shown me what it’s like to slow down and listen to Him. Some of my favorite times are when I’m laying in my hammock and enjoying His creation and reading His word or even just taking a nap.

Last night, our squad had an amazing night of surrender to Him that lasted several hours (I’m not even sure how long it was). I was reminded that in order to truly spread the gospel, I need to deny worldly pleasures and surrender to following Christ no matter what the cost. I really struggle with a fear of not communicating Christ to others well enough. But I’m constantly reminding myself that it shouldn’t be me speaking to others, it should be the Holy Spirit speaking through me to communicate how deeply He loves them. And some people will reject Him but I’m still called to spread His good news. I have to daily invite the Holy Spirit to speak through me and guide me for each day. 

I hope y’all had a great weekend and as always you are free to reach out to me anytime! 

Hannah (615)433-3595

10 responses to “I’m home!”

  1. I am thinking and praying for you! We miss you so much!! I love you. I am proud of you! You got this girly!

  2. I love love love that you realize it’s the Holy Spirit speaking through you! It’s not on placed on your shoulders… you’re just the vessel! Can’t wait for the next several weeks with you Hannah!

  3. Hannah! You are so ready to absorb all that is coming your way. Your sensitivity to Holy Spirit will serve you well in growing in understanding of Gods people and your purpose!
    We love you!