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Meet my team! I’m on a squad of 22 people, + 6 team leaders, + 2 squad leaders + 1 squad mentor! I may introduce them all to you one day but for now, here are my team mates!


Paige Canova


Paige, I love your humble leadership and understanding spirit!

Paige is our team’s alumni team leader! She did her Gap Year last year so she’s here for three months to walk beside us, encourage us in the Lord and call us to a higher standard so we can look more like Jesus. She’s from Iowa, is nineteen, and loves fitness and her dogs! 


Kourtney Vitera 

Kourt, I love your joyful spirit and your love for the Lord! 

She loves diving into Gods word and learning all she can! She’s eighteen, is from Texas, and loves basketball and leading worship! She’s an amazing person with a heart of gold! 

Kayci Standard

Kayci!!! I love the way you treat others with understanding and encouragement! 

Kayci loves painting murals and doing any type of art! (She’s really good at it too.) She loves paddle boarding, kayaking, and eating healthy. She’s eighteen, loves hanging out with her family, and is from Jacksonville, NC, and she lives super close to the beach! 



Marissa Newell

Oh, Marissa, your laugh is one of my favorite things about you! 

She’s from Columbia, SC, is eighteen, and her favorite birthday meal is margarita pizza with Greek salad. Her biggest fear is finding Bigfoot haha. She’s loves to hang out with babies and kids and loves Jesus with all her heart! 


And that’s my team! I hope you enjoyed getting to know them a little! 

Keep an eye out for more blogs coming soon! 

I’m still fundraising, so if you feel led to donate, feel free to use my donation bar! 

I hope you all have had an amazing week! Love you all 




5 responses to “Meet Team Magdalene!”

  1. So thankful you’re apart of our team and can’t wait to continue watching God challenge and grow you!

  2. Hannah – I look forward to reading about your journey! Complete surrender can be so humbling as well as so freeing! You’re in good hands – Gods!

  3. Hannah, what a great description of the ladies on the team. It is so cool to read how each of you describe each other in your blogs. There is definitely a theme for each person and it carries through each description. Super great writing! Love, your coaches