
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Warning** vulnerable post ahead.

 I haven’t really known what to write about lately. I feel so distracted sometimes. Between everything going on in the world and a lot of family things, I sometimes get caught up in just waiting. I’m not living in the moment… I’m not taking opportunities around me to serve right here and now a lot of the time…

Do you feel that way? Are you just waiting for quarantine to end so you can do ministry again? Are you stuck binge watching Netflix? (I’m guilty of that) I challenge you to step out of the box you feel stuck in and ask God what you can do first. Start with reading the Word and having some real quiet time before the Lord. Ask Him to show you unique ways that you can serve. The church is not a building, YOU are the church. There are real problems in the world and people need to see a rising up of Christians in this time. They need to see that Jesus doesn’t stop just because of a virus. He is working right now!! He is good and we are His children. We have a responsibility to spread His light in this dark world.

This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently. Let me know how you’ve taken an opportunity to serve in your community! I’d love to know 🙂  

Thank you all for supporting me in this season of life!

Hannah Hutchinson 



8 responses to “Distractions…”

  1. I love your heart! Thanks for being vulnerable and humble enough to share. This blog post is encouraging! See you in 21 days!??

  2. Hannah I love your vulnerability! Keep pressing in to him because I believe a major change is coming and we need to be ready for it! Jesus is bigger,better, and stronger than whats happening in the world right now. And he will prevail!!

  3. Amen to this Hannah! Being bold in vulnerability is sometimes hard but I am proud of you for doing it! And such a great call to action to the Church. :):)

  4. Thank you for sharing Hannah! God’s been teaching me, in a very similar way, to slow down from all the “busyness” of life, and take the time necessary to “be still” before Him… Great reminder!!!