
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey lovely people! Hope y’all are enjoying this beautiful month of June!! 

There have been a few changes to my route made since I last wrote a blog. The leadership team at Adventures in Missions is amazing and they are working hard at keeping up to date with countries borders and keeping in contact with their partners around the world. They have made they decision to launch to other countries in January, 2021. We will spend the first few months, starting in September, 2020, in Gainesville, GA doing an extensive training at the AIM headquarters. (**You can read more about what we’ll be doing at the end of this blog). 

I’m so thankful that I am still able to go this year, even though it looks a lot different than the original plan. I am confident that God has called me to this at the right time and I’m actually really excited about it!! 

Thank you for all your support! It would be almost impossible for me to do this without all of you. If you are reading this, I would love for you to share this blog post with a friend or on Facebook! I want to reach more people with this website and y’all would be a huge help! Thank again!

Hannah Hutchinson 

**Missional training: Bringing you to our headquarters for three months means you’ll get hands-on training about what missions is really like and tons of opportunities to flesh that out, starting right here in our own country! Think evangelism, community development and outreach. 


Leadership development: Learn from our top-notch leaders how to lead yourself and others the way Jesus led. We’ve got business leaders, teachers and experts in-house and from around the country who are preparing to help you understand what it means to lead yourself and your generation. It’s time to step out of the classroom you’ve been sitting in for 13 years. Learn from experience as you become the leader you’ve always wanted to be.


Discipleship: Have you ever wondered if there is more to church? Or surface-level friendships? Yeah, us too. In this age of social networking,  your generation is known as the loneliest on the planet. We want to change that! We’re here to teach you about the selfless, authentic love Jesus always talked about. That’ll probably happen somewhere between late-night pillow talks, discussions about life, Jesus, and the Bible while sweating in the Georgia sun, and enjoying a few dance parties along the way. You will never think of church or community the same.